Product Details

Botamix Soothing Relief Shampoo

for dandruff & sensitive scalp
适合头皮屑 &头皮敏感发质

* Calm and soothe your sensitive, stressed scalp with Botamix Soothing Relief Shampoo.
* It deeply cleanses and controls excess oil production to leave hair feeling light and renewed.
* Containing climbazole aids to keep dandruff away, relieve itchiness due to dryness and promote a healthy scalp.
* Feel refreshed with a cooling sensation burst of menthol.

* 使用 Botamix Soothing Relief Shampoo 镇静和舒缓敏感、受压力的头皮。
* 深层清洁并控制多余油脂的产生,使头发感觉轻盈、焕然一新。
* 含有氯咪巴唑,有助于去除头皮屑,缓解干燥引起的瘙痒,促进头皮健康。
* 薄荷醇的清凉感让您感觉神清气爽。


Apply to wet hair, gently massage the scalps 3-5 minutes with finger tips to work in lather. Rinse thoroughly with water.
涂抹于湿发上,用指尖轻轻按摩头皮 3-5 分钟,直至起泡。 用水彻底冲洗。

Product Information

SKU Code : HS4 (1000ml) - RM98
Product Name : Botamix Soothing Relief Shampoo 头皮洗发剂
Category : Shampoo
Size : 1000ml e

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    • 5.00
    • Tom Joe – Mar 15, 2015:
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec volutpat purus tempor sem molestie, sed blandit lacus posuere. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
    • 4.00
    • Mark Doe – Jan 23, 2015:
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec volutpat purus tempor sem molestie, sed blandit lacus posuere. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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